

Party building with women building * coagulation "new" gathering force! Bao 'er Ma Electrical Group Co., LTD. Women's federation organization was established

时间:2024-06-01 11:04:57

In order to promote the organizational reform of women's federations in depth, further strengthen the guidance, service and contact of women in the "four new" fields, extend the tentacles of women's federations, and make the organization and work of women's federations effective and tangible coverage. On May 10, under the guidance of the town's women's Federation, the first women's Congress of Baoerma Electrical Group Co., Ltd. was successfully held.

    Xie Jianying, chairman of the Township Women's Federation, attended the meeting to guide and deliver a speech


At the meeting, in accordance with the election procedures required by the Constitution of All-China Women's Federation and the Regulations on Election Work of All-China Women's Federation, all the delegates elected seven executive Committee members by secret ballot. At the first meeting of the first Executive Committee of All-China Women's Federation held subsequently, one chairperson and two vice-chairpersons were elected. Song Jingzhi, general manager of Marketing Department of Baoerma Electrical Group, was elected chairman of the Women's Federation.

Song Jingzhi, the newly elected president of the first Baoma Electrical Group Women's Federation, said that the establishment of the company's women's Federation has built the most close, most active and closest to life service platform for the majority of women. The new executive Committee team will pay extensive attention to the needs of women, listen to the voices of women with heart, carry out characteristic activities in a solid manner, pass on the Party's policies and the work of women's federations to the hearts of grass-roots women in a timely manner, achieve "zero distance" to contact and serve the women, and build a "warm home" for the women.